Friday, September 30, 2011

In this world you will have trouble...

It's been a week and a half all pushed and shoved into one week...not my best.  Life is not easy.  And there you have it, the Bible promises that "in this world you will have trouble"...not maybe, not perhaps, but will! In the midst of working through some really tough struggles this week...I felt blue and overwhelmed and thought why not just give up - what's the point. But I am thankful I just kept going. Kept reaching for my goals and walking forward. I have been preparing for two spectacular driving events - two lovely driving weekends in a row; events I've been looking forward to all season.  (Of course, right...isn't that how it goes...all swimmingly well and then it comes to the fun events and all hades breaks loose <sigh>).

Reaching for your goals, keeping focused in the midst of trouble is work too...right!?  I don't know about you but nothing has ever just fallen in my lap. I don't think things fall in anyone's lap really?  Maybe a very few...but for the most part we work really hard for the good things in our life.  We reap the rewards of working hard.  Driving a pony or a horse - a  fright flight animal - isn't easy.  To reap the rewards of a great driving pony you have to put in time and miles.  If it's raining (and it's been raaaaiiinnning a lot here - can anyone say MUD), cold, hot or drive, you spend time with your pony!  I've always had a hard time wrapping my mind around the concept of quality time. It doesn't work with training an animal - it's quantities of time. (I may be wrong and trust me I'm rethinking a great many things about parenting; but I never bought that one - quality time with your children - kids take lots and lots of time!)  So I kept pecking away at it; doing what I know, pushing away that whiny voice so happy to tell me I can't...  Coming in from the barn, happily exhausted, enjoying that wonderful feeling of accomplishment.

As I was working hard cleaning all the harness preparation for all the fun this weekend.  Again, with all the work - repeat after me - hard x work = fun! Some may look at this jumbled mess and panic...what goes with what and where???  Help!  But, thankfully I know where all the pieces go. It struck me as I looked down at this maze of harness parts and pieces and I was reminded of the words above..."In this world you WILL have trouble"... yep, that sure looks like trouble!  But thank God that's only the beginning of the goes on to say "but I (Jesus) have overcome the world!"  He knows how all the pieces fit in my life and in the life of my sweet family!  I am once again reminded that God, because of his great love for us, has made a way to put all the pieces back together...
So here it harness all put back together, packed and ready to go!  I realize you can't see all the pieces fitting together perfectly...but "trust" me - it's just as it should be, I know where all the pieces go!