Tuesday, November 29, 2011

These are a few of my favorite things...

I thought it would be fun to share some of my favorite treasures from artists I admire and have purchased from this past year. You may just want to add some of these lovely items to your Christmas list as well!  
Let's get started!
 My friend, Bunny Vance from www.ajillianvancedesign.com made these beauties above. Bunny and her daughter, Jillian are both artists and very creative.  They offer many different items.  Check out their site, you'll be glad you visited!

This is a potholder I purchased from Maria Wulf from www.fullmoonfiberart.com.  She makes potholders, pillows and lovely quilts - original functional art from recycled clothes and fabric. I have to confess I bought this as gift for myself, display it in my kitchen and use it. I love the thought of functional art and recycling!

My good friend Chris Wertz makes these beautiful cross-stitched bookmarks.  If your family is like mine - avid readers of good books -  this would be a great gift.  She doesn't have a website, but if you're interested contact me through my blog and I will get you in touch with her.  I'm really excited about this gift; she is finishing another one for me as I type.

And speaking of good books!  I just finished the book below...written by one of my favorite authors 
Jon Katz

Check out all his books at www.bedlamfarm.com   I give his books as gifts all the time.  I especially enjoyed his newest book, pictured above.  I just finished it and found it an easy and comfortable read.  It's not at all sad, actually celebratory in nature - very healing.  As a dog lover and trainer, I have put this at the top of my list for friends and clients who have lost a best friend (dog, horse, cat...).  
I also enjoy Jon's blog - very encouraging!

And last but certainly not least are my dog bandannas, 2 designs in 1, that fit on your dog's collar - much more comfortable than the old tie on style!  Below is one of my holiday favorites.  You can check out my other designs at www.pawsitivejourney.com  Also, these bandannas benefit Love on a Leash Therapy Dog visits...

I hope you've enjoyed a few of my favorite things.  In the spirit of supporting small businesses, I hope you may think about supporting these artists or small businesses/artists in your community!  If you'd like to share a few of your favorite things...please feel free to leave the information in my comment box.
Happy thoughtful shopping!

Monday, November 28, 2011


I'm determined this Christmas to buy only handmade items from local artists, make my own gifts and shop at small businesses - both local and on-line.  So far it's been going great!  On this wonderful journey, I have visited spectacular crafts shows, met some outstanding artists and enjoyed hearing their stories.  It's like a treasure hunt with unexpected joys along the way, of making new friends and meeting so many talented people living out their dreams. And happily through it all I have found the most wonderful treasures.  

The painted reindeer above is one of my finds.  What a beautiful story surrounds this lovely painted reindeer.  A very nice lady is selling these items for a friend.  Her friend's father made them...apparently he was an artist and very much enjoyed woodworking and painting and obviously combined his two loves.  He has recently passed away and left behind a room full of his beautiful artwork. His daughter didn't know how to market his work and her friend offered to take them to local craft shows to sell the items for her.  How nice...what a good friend!  When I saw this smiling reindeer - I knew he had to be mine. I was warmed by his story and felt privileged to own a piece of this man's artwork.  I will never meet him but what I heard about him made this piece that much more special.  He was a man who loved to share his artwork, taught classes, helped others in their desire to be creative and often times gave his work away...my kind of guy!  I bought another piece of his work for my daughter, Natalie - a beautiful painted picture of Santa sitting at a high desk with feather pen in hand working on "his" Christmas list.  Natalie and I agreed that we would enjoy these pieces for years to come each time we unpacked our Christmas decorations.  What a nice thought, to think that you would leave something behind that others would enjoy long after you passed...  I will think of this gentleman each time I reach for my reindeer and lovingly place him amongst my holiday decorations...and smile. 

So I continue on my journey and search for just the right handmade, locally made gifts for my family.  It's taking me much longer but I think for the first time in a very long time, I'm savoring the true joy of Christmas...it's about people...not corporations...of finding a treasure, lovingly made, for those who mean the most to you.  Merry Christmas!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Love on a Leash Therapy Dog visits and remembering Emma...

Emma (Matabar's Midnite Extravagance, CD, CGC)


The concept of Love on a Leash is lovingly dedicated to Emma.  She is the one who set my feet on this path, who brought to life the concept of "Let the animals teach you...Job 12:7".  Emma was a great teacher...  Emma was a tri-colored collie who burst into our lives in the fall of 1991.  She was our family's very first dog after purchasing our own home.  I'll never forget the day I met Emma...she chose me that day and never looked back.  I was standing in a small shed filled with 11 collie puppies.  I counted only 10 and as I started looking for the 11th one, I peaked around the shed door and there she was.  It seemed as though she were hiding; maybe she had had enough of people tromping through her little home and needed a break or perhaps she just hadn't found the right family yet and was feeling a little despair. Whatever the reason for her hiding behind the door, when she looked up into my eyes, she came out of hiding and sat right by my leg.  As I moved out into the small yard, Emma followed me and sat right by my leg. As I picked up puppies and put them down and wondered around, every time I looked down there she was; this darling little tri-colored collie puppy sitting right by my leg.  We were looking for a sable colored collie - you know the "Lassie look" but when I picked her up, looked into her sweet little face I was smitten...she was to be our new puppy!  Emma agreed as she snuggled in my arms as if she were home at last.
It didn't take us very long to understand that Emma was a very special dog and meant for our family.  She taught us so much; not only about dog ownership and training but about patience, love and trust.  It was very clear to us that Emma's mission was to love everyone.  She seemed to have a wisdom that was uncanny for a dog.  She seemed to know the order of things and was so attentive to us and those around her.  Emma took me so many places that I never dreamed of going. Emma took me to visit the lonely and forgotten and to children in need.  We visited rest homes, schools, preschools and churches sharing her special kind of unconditional love; she would often pick out the most quiet child and try to engage them in some form or fashion - she was always successful!  Emma was so special to my children; always on a mission to love and protect them...  Emma was sent to me to change my life in the most wonderful way, a gift, an angel in collie clothes on a mission of love...  Miss you Emmy!