Saturday, February 23, 2013


I had just received my hubby's call telling me he was on his way home.  I am always so happy to receive this call as his days are very busy and sometimes he is delayed for some reason on another.  As I disconnected my cell phone from his call, I came around the corner to see our Alli, collie sitting on the chair looking out the window.  Was she waiting for him?  And did she know he was on his way?  I believe she did know Matthew was on his way home.  Scientist have done studies on this, even when the person comes home at a time that isn't normal, their dog knew they were on their way and went to their spot to wait and watch.

Alli is the guardian at our house.  She watches over everything and everyone in the house.  I have heard her and watched her make her nightly rounds.  If Alli barks, I pay attention...always.  So nice to know she is watching...   Which reminds me of the One who watches over all of us.  I am thankful that I was reminded today, through Alli, of this truth as I wait and watch for someone I love to return...

Friday, February 22, 2013

What, me worry?

Took this picture of peace and contentment of collie, Alli last evening.  I took it in the midst of all the warnings blaring from internet, tv and radio that the apocalyptic ice storm was approaching.  I scrambled to fill buckets, as often when it's icey or windy here our electric goes out and when this happens we have no water.  Matthew was busy chopping more wood to bring in before the ice encased it outdoors.

As we were finishing with our preparations, I noticed peaceful, so content.  I decided to join her by the fire and enjoy the moment.  There is absolutely nothing wrong with preparing reasonably for the storm.  But after you have done all you can do...just stand...relax, have peace.  I so often forget to live in the moment, I can easily work up a storm right in my own mind of "what if".  I also find that so often the things I think up that could happen, never really do happen. I get so busy worrying about what could be...that I don't enjoy the moment with those I love right next to me.

I am working on it, I have opportunity right now to put living in the moment into practice.  There are storms about me, but I choose to do what I can do...pray mightily, stand, relax and find peace.  Life will never be without storms...but we can choose to live in the moment even in the midst of them.  Thanks for the reminder, Alli!