Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Personal Growth...

If we change our own responses, 
our own behavior and our own actions...
our dogs will change too! ~Kathy Kawalec

Thoughts on this beautiful winter's day...  I posted the above quote on my Pawsitive Journey LLC facebook page this week.  I was struck with the truth in these words.  I have learned very long ago as a Certified Dog Trainer/Instructor that the truth of the matter is...  I am a human trainer.  I train the human and together we train their dog.  

The larger picture, the bigger truth about dog training is truly the personal growth of the human part of the partnership.  If we become aware of our own responses, our own behavior and our own actions, we then can truly help our dog to change their behavior as well.  Dog's do reflect us!

I was struck with Pope Francis' words recently as he encouraged people during this Lenten Season, instead of giving up something, he encouraged people to reflect on the inside, make room and "renew the quiet joy of God's love" in their life and in turn be open and willing to help those around them.  Make time for thinking of and helping others...  How beautiful...

Dog training takes a great deal of thought, self reflection and proactive thinking.  The joy and the wonderful benefit of all we learn about ourselves in the process of training our dog is the best part if you ask me.  

I have been training dogs since 1992 and I have learned so many lessons from my canine partners.  I am already learning a ton from our new puppy Mia.  What a sweet dear soul she is.  She is like an old soul, she seems to be wise beyond her years.  I am so enjoying and continue to look forward to our journey together.  

In Job 12:7 it says, "...and let the animals teach  you..."  They have so much to teach us.  My hope and my encouragement to you is to allow your dog to bring you to new levels of understanding yourself as you teach your dog and walk through this journey together!

Happy Trails!

Friday, February 5, 2016

Brain Teaser Games...

...are so good for your dog!  Do you remember as a kid coming home from school and feeling so tired?  I do and often times I would say, "I'm tired" and my Mom would ask, "why are you so tired, you just sat in school all day?" 

And yes, exactly, that's it.  We sat still in school and exercised our brains all day long.  Exercising our brains is energy draining.  Did you know this same concept works well for dogs?  By exercising your dog's brain, you can help them drain excess energy. This should make some of you jump up and shout for joy!  Well, here you go...your free fun fact tip for this beautiful Friday.

There are many brain teaser games on the market made specifically for dogs and many of them come with a pretty healthy price tag.  So here is a way to make a great brain teaser game (pictured above) with supplies you might have on hand at home or can easily get at your local "bargain priced" store.

Take one muffin tin and divide your dog's kibble for one meal into each muffin cup.  Place a light weight ball over the kibble in each muffin cup.  I am using light weight balls that would be used for a child's ball pit.  OR you could use wiffle balls you might happen have stored in the garage.  You want to use light weight balls so your dog can easily push the balls off to find their kibble.  Also, remember your dog's sense of smell is his/her number one sense they use to "view the world".  So, no worries they can easily smell their yummy food under the ball.

I do have a caveat, for larger dogs who might just try and eat the might want to use heavier balls, such as tennis balls.  And for those dogs that are ball obsessed, you might want to forego this game all together.  But for most dogs, this is a wonderful game to play a few times a week.  This game is also great for the dog who tends to bolt their food - they have to slow down and think.  

This game is fantastic and allows your dog to use their brain to problem solve.  Draining energy, learning to problem solve...a win, win situation all the way around.  

Leave a comment and let me know how your dog enjoyed the game!

Happy training everyone!