What a difficult morning...so many things in life don't go as planned. As I thought about what would bring me some much needed peace, a respite from the cares of this day, I realized I needed some Beauty time. Time spent with Beauty is so often a soothing balm... So, I decided it was a good day to give Beauty a much needed bath. As I was enjoying time spent with my sweet pony, I was reminded of how she came to me...once in a dream...
Beauty is the pony of my dreams, literally. When I had turned 9 years old, I had the most vivid dream of a pony that looked just like Beauty. I believe this dream was a comforting gift from God - something I needed at that time - a dream to hold onto. It wasn't until 25 years later that I found my real-life dream pony. When I found her she was in a sad state of affairs. From a distance I could see her full mane was all knotted and matted, I could see her ribs and that she had this big round belly (which I thought was full of worms, turns out our sweet pony was in foal). But, in her pitiful state she stood so proud, with her head held high I could see the remnants of bits and pieces of her mane that were free from knots flying in the wind. She had found herself at a "horse traders" lot. I doubt the man knew much about her, probably just picked her up. I really don't think he treated her badly, as far as, abusing her - he just turned her out in his worn out pasture, which had long ago stopped producing any sort of life sustaining forage. She drank from a dank dirty creek and had to navigate all the rusty equipment left in the shed just to get under covering. She was in the field with several other ponies and it seemed that she was low pony on the totem pole. I stood in that field forever as the man tried to catch this poor sweet little spirit. I couldn't shake the feeling that she seemed so familiar to me. I went over and over in my mind all the many different ponies I had ridden as a child and young adult. But, I had known no ponies who were solid dark bay with a white star on their forehead. Why did it seem I knew this pony? As I got close to her I felt such an affinity for her, the beauty I could see under all the filth and rainrot. She looked right at me with those large fluid eyes...right into my very soul. The man could see I was smitten with her and he also new that there was a beautiful pony ready to blossom under good care. He was asking a rather large sum for a pony with unknown training and in this condition. I went to touch her and she bit and kicked at me. But for some reason, I couldn't explain at that moment, I knew I wanted this pony and would pay the asking price. I actually couldn't believe my own ears as I heard myself say, "I'll take her"!
Beauty came to live with us that very day. I think the man was afraid I would back out of the deal if I thought better about my decision. He delivered her within hours. I remember it seemed as if Beauty took a deep breath, a sigh of relief when she arrived. I put her in her new pasture, full of good grass. I showed her around her small stable and her clean water source, her salt block. I remember her looking around, she ate some grass checked out the water and salt block and then she laid down and slept for the longest time. I remember checking on her to see if she was still breathing throughout the day. Horses and ponies are fright flight animals and don't often lay flat out asleep in a new place, unless they feel very comfortable. Apparently Beauty felt like she was finally home.
I don't know how my sweet Beauty found herself at a horse trader's lot in central Ohio. We knew from the moment she arrived that she had extreme trust issues with humans. We worked with her slowly and gently and it didn't take long for her to come around. I think at some point in her young life she knew the kind care of someone good...she knew how to respond to our kindness. We also occasionally saw that unmistakable fear in her eyes at different points here and there in her training and wondered if she was remembering an unpleasant time or experience. There are scars on Beauty's back ankles very thick scar tissue...not sure if someone had tied her leg up (an old "training" practice to gain a horses respect) or if perhaps she had been in an accident. I often wondered why anyone would sell this pony or treat her unfairly as she has been the easiest pony to train. Once we earned her trust she never questioned anything and is always so very willing to please.
One day a few weeks after Beauty joined our family, I was hanging out in the barn with her and it hit me like a ton of bricks. All of a sudden I realized why this pony was so familiar to me. I remembered the dream I had about this pony so very long ago. I was overwhelmed by the thought that Beauty was the real life pony of the dream I had 25 years earlier - standing right before my very eyes. She has been a jewel of a pony, teaching my son and many other children to ride and drive. I have often said Beauty is worth her weight in gold, certainly worth the price I paid to win her release 14 years ago. She is the heart and soul of our farm.
Beauty is living proof that sometimes dreams really do come true!
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