I recently sent a card to my daughter, Natalie - the artist - that had the above quote with a picture of two beautiful young children sitting at an art gallery with the most magical expressions on their faces as they enjoyed the artwork before them. What truth - when we were young, we were all encouraged to be artists. We were encouraged to express ourselves through all forms of art... We were asked to be creative, to explore ourselves, our thoughts, our feelings, our gifts through artwork. And the best part was...it was all good, there were no incorrect answers. When and why did that stop?
Why isn't expressions of art in all forms not celebrated or encouraged as we age? I found my answer from Ian McGilchrist (www.ted.com). He gave a wonderful presentation at the recent Ted Conference. It was fascinating and I believe he answered my question. Our society isn't set up that way, at least, not anymore. In the 15th - 16th century our societal view was very balanced between our right brain - creativity/imagination and our left brain - concrete reason. But, sadly ever since the 16th century we have moved more and more out of this balance. "We pursue happiness that now seems to lead to unhappiness, resentment and an explosion of mental illness." We've pursued freedom and have less and less true freedom - more government rules and regulations. We prioritize the virtual over the real - technical becomes important and bureaucracy flourishes - in fact, we ask for it - when something goes wrong or people do wrong we ask for more government regulations; hence the government controls everything. Einstein said "The intuitive mind (right brain) is a sacred Gift and the rational mind (left brain) is a Faithful Servant." Ian McGilchrist proposes that "never in the field of human history has so much been used by so many to say so little." He ended his presentation with a statement that was so startling, so true, so poignant - "We have created a society that honors the Servant but has forgotten the Gift!"
So that's why it's so hard in the 21st Century to live creatively...we are literally swimming against the tide, going against the grain of what our society values. I am determined to life a creative life...to paint the world with the gift God gave me. I truly believe we were made with a purpose in mind...a gift that only we can share with the world. But, I also believe that we have to pursue it, be focused and determined. My Mom always said that those things that are valuable, important in life aren't easily done! I told a friend this week that if I won the lottery I wouldn't change what I do. I love what I do...helping people build relationship with their dogs - teaching them to simply communicate effectively to live a happy and fulfilling life together. I might build a great big training facility - that would be nice on cold or rainy mornings...but I wouldn't want to do anything else. So what's your dream...what's your calling - YOUR GIFT? I encourage you today to pursue it...don't listen to the nay sayers (there's lots of them around)...be determined!
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