Tuesday, December 27, 2011


...and I don't mind saying so!  The definition of rescue - to free from confinement, danger or evil; to recover, to deliver! I was and am rescued.  It is sweet to my ears to know that the Kings of Kings loved me so much that he came to earth in the form of a little baby solely and completely for the purpose of rescuing you and me!

I am once again amazed and so humbled by the Christmas Story.  Jesus' arrival here on earth through the virgin Mary accompanied by her new husband, Joseph.  I marvel at their faith... The part that always brings me completely to tears is the fact that Jesus chose the animals to first witness this momentous event - born in a stable...next the Shepherds in the fields were told of the Good News!  The animals that God created, that he loves.  The Shepherds a very low class - not always thought of, in that time, as the best type of people - but none the less people who God created and that he loves.  And isn't it amazing how much God uses the picture of the Shepherd and the sheep as an analogy to teach us?  But, it boggles my mind to know that God could have sent fireworks from the skies with great fanfare to announce Jesus' birth...he could have made way for Jesus to have been born in a mansion filled with dignitaries to witness this wonderful event, swaddled in the finest lavender linen, laid in a gold lined crib.  But he didn't...Jesus came to this world in the most humble way...the way he would go on to live his life.  Coming to those who needed rescued...those who would understand their need for a Savior.

Everything God does and says has great meaning; nothing is coincidental...everything has a purpose and a plan for our lives. He loves all of creation, especially people...of all walks of life.  He seems to delight in using the most broken of vessels; the ones who haven't lived a perfect life...perhaps, because they are simply the most open to Him, they know how very much they need a rescuer, a deliverer, a Savior.

I am thankful that God chose to rescue me...to deliver me.  I needed him and he came to me, spoke to me in the best way so that I could understand his great love for me(often teaching me through the animals in my life).  I am so very thankful that he is the God of all...no matter your position in life.

I find it curious, fascinating that lately the term rescue, in regards to animal rescue, seems to be falling into that category of "politically incorrect" language.  That some are so sick of hearing that a dog, cat or horse is a "rescued" animal.  That animals don't need that label nor want it?  I own rescued animals and animals we have bought from wonderful breeders.  I do believe that the ones I have rescued seem to know at first, they do seem to have an understanding of being helped and then go on to live a happy life just like all my other animals. I think the most wonderful thing that has surrounded the animals I have rescued is the way it changed me...the way I grew through their stories...the way I realized that if God loved this animal so much that he allowed me to intervene in it's life...how much more does he love me and want to intervene in my life!  It's a beautiful story...journey all the way around.  How could there be any angst surrounding an event such as this?  I'm interested that anything and everything in life can be twisted...look at how some twist God's love for us (a "church group" picketing American Soldiers funerals?), how sweets, candies and food can become an addiction (food is meant to give us life and sustain us)...everything can be twisted, brought to an unhealthy extreme...I guess that's why we need a deliverer, a rescuer...  I choose not to think of the unhealthy extremes and focus on the intent and great meaning of the word rescue.  I'm overwhelmed by the kindness and goodness of the one who imitates the heart of Jesus himself when they reach out to help (to rescue) those in need...animals included.  I think God is touched by that also...

I pray you will allow the one who came, because of his great love, so many years ago - in the form of a baby - to deliver you...no matter your position, the difficulties you may face today...He's reaching out for you...to rescue you.

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