The last time I had the pleasure to be in this beautiful city I was 10 years old and visiting with my Father. I was staying with him for the week and he wanted to show me the city. I didn't have a great many visits with my Dad nor did I get to see him that often. The memory of our visit here together is a very fond one of time spent with my Father in a place that he seemed to love and enjoy sharing with me. So it feels a bit like coming home, warm and welcoming. What a lovely city, a mix of old and new. I especially enjoy the architecture of the old churches that are nestled in among the large modern high rises. There is a small church across the street from our hotel that just speaks to me. I've taken quite a few pictures of it, but darn if I didn't forget my cable to connect camara to computer...I'll have to share the pictures later. As I walk past it images flood my mind of weddings, baby baptisms, Christmas Eve services and funerals that took place there. Generations of families who called this church home and celebrated their family's most precious events in this place... Beautiful images...beautiful thoughts of the way things once were...
Last evening, after a day full of meetings for Matthew we went for a walk down in the heart of the city. As luck would have it we found ourselves in the middle of the Art district and they were having a Friday night celebration of local artists. Perfect, just my cup of tea! Artwork; paintings everywhere - guitarists, bongo players on every corner. A wonderful treat!
But, the best part of my visit so far (Matthew hasn't received his award yet), was meeting a gentleman who was socializing his 14 week old german shepherd puppy last evening in the city during the Art Festival. I asked if I could greet his puppy and he was very interested in me doing so. He asked if I'd like to feed her a little kibble and I jumped at the chance. I asked the beautiful Silka to do a few simple behaviors and rewarded her success. What a smart puppy! She seemed so pleased that I spoke her language. He noticed, thanked me and asked me how I knew to do this. I explained that I was a dog trainer/instructor and a very nice conversation ensued. Turns out he knows a friend of mine who is also invovled with german shepherds and training. What a small world...
As I walk through this city filled with so many people from very different walks of life, I'm reminded how important it is to do what you love! When you truly look into the faces of people you can see so much. I can see people who are happy, sad, elated, weary, rushed...I wonder where they are going, what's ahead for them...what their day holds. I am reminded that life is too short to live a life of worry or fill in the blank. I'm remined in such a strong way to do what you love, that which makes you come alive. Trust me, I know it's not always easy to pursue what you love, but it is very worth it. There would seem to be a magic age where people stop asking what you want to be when you grow up and start telling you what you should be "to be successful".
I am here to celebrate my husband and his achievement. I am blessed to see firsthand through him, someone who is doing what he loves, what makes him come alive. It wasn't always easy, the journey to this happy moment, but the reward of sticking with it, pursuing what you know is right, not allowing the little detours to defeat you, but to set your resolve to get back on track. I'm thankful I have someone in my life to inspire me to do the same!
So many wonderful things last night, but what most made me come alive was spending that moment communicating with the sweet shepherd puppy. I am reminded again, to focus, to see the detours as opportunites for growth in my determination to do what I love! I am exactly where I should be, pursuing what I love...and I encourage you to do the same!
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