Saturday, August 11, 2012

Your beautiful

My son showed me this picture a couple days ago of grains of sand magnified.  He was amazed at how beautiful they were and I agreed.  I hugged him and said, "if God took the time to design such beauty in a grain of sand - how much more beauty did He design in you, gifts that are just waiting to come forth to be shared with the world!"

Who ever thought to look at a grain of sand under magnification?  Who thought that they would find anything notable or beautiful in a tiny grain of sand.  Amazing...  Amazing that the Creator of the Universe would take the time to design such beauty in something so small and something that we trample on while walking on the beach without a single thought of the beauty that lies within each tiny grain.

"What each must seek in his life never was on land or sea. It is something out of his own unique potentiality for experience, something that never has been and never could have been experienced by anyone else”.  Joseph Campbell

I read this quote recently on another blog.  It struck me.  God designed in each of us such beauty, purpose and gifting.  There are many who would tell you that you don't have a story to tell or a gift to share. Sometimes we allow others to make us feel small and insignificant.  Sometimes in life we feel trampled on and what we have to offer isn't good enough.  Although, some may not see the beauty in what we have to offer, it doesn't mean that it's not there.  I read of a gifted painter who after having someone critique her work in a negative way, she locked her paintings away and never again showed her work.  

Your beautiful...your talents, your gifting is beautiful.  Don't let anyone tell you otherwise...tell your story...share you talent with the world because there will be those who need to hear and see what you have to share!

And thank you, Son...I needed to see the beauty in the grain of sand too!

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