Standing 3 to 5 seconds, one of the elements of our dressage test This has been a hard element for Billy to learn and he stood stock still - Good boy Billy! |
I finally have a moment to write about our first ever Combined Driving Event. We had a fantastic time and I could not be more pleased with my pony's efforts. We have both matured and grown as a team. It would seem we have prepared for this moment our entire lifetime together. I knew my pony had it in him, it just took him and I a bit longer to get to this point than most. I suppose that's what makes it so sweet. We've had a special bond and connection from the day he was born on our small farm. He's not been an easy pony to train, but I have learned so much from him and would not trade one second of our journey together. We started our preparations in February, walking the neighborhood in the snow for fitness. We drove through sleet, snow and raindrops, not having the luxury of an indoor arena. We traveled to visit our driving instructor, Stacey Giere, for lessons. Trailered out to woodland trails, with great friends, to drive to build our fitness on the hottest days of the summer. We worked steadily day in and day out until our big weekend in July. Our hard work paid off with our best dressage test ever, scores of 7's, 7.5's, 8's and a 9 for turnout. I am still on cloud nine! I made a driver error during our dressage test, Billy swished his tail and let me know he wasn't happy with me, but even in his confusion he chose to trust me and allow me to get us back on track. What a good pony, he had to wonder what in the world I was doing during that one moment of lost focus, but he forgave me quickly and moved on, which is a huge step for us. We placed 4th overall in the Combined Tests out of a group of 7 total. Who knows where we might have fallen had I not made such a costly mistake, but how could I dwell on that when my pony gave me all he had and then some. It is so very satisfying to know the highs and lows over all these 13 years together, that we should experience this shining moment is a true thrill!
Billy during our dressage test - going across the diagonal in a lovely extended trot |
My heart was full as I returned home. I had a lovely weekend with my pony, filled with my family and so many wonderful friends. My husband Matthew and my son Nicholas attended the three day show with me - helping me with loading/unloading the trailer, cleaning Billy's stall, feeding, watering, helping me hitch a wiggly pony to cart, to cheering me on, keeping me well hydrated and fed, calming my nerves and telling me - "you can do it, you've got this"!
Dressage...lovely extension |
And then...I viewed the pictures - they took my breath away! My son, Nicholas agreed to take the pictures of the event for me. My hubby has long ago given up on taking pictures of my events. It just isn't his true talent or gifting. I have never met anyone who can get a camera chord, a finger or the bill of a hat in a otherwise lovely picture. He has many wonderful talents and gifts but taking pictures isn't one of them. When I pulled my camera out from amongst harness, helmet and gloves, my husband looked away immediately pretending not to see it, as my son smiled at me and said, "I'll do it"! Wonderful, I had hope again that I might get a decent picture of Billy and I at an event. Little did I know what a true talent my son has for taking pictures. If you know anything about horses, their frame and movement you will see Nick's very educated and knowledgeable eye. He captured the moment brilliantly; movement, focus, energy...absolutely amazing!
Asking for impulsion coming out of the corner across the diagonal |
After our dressage test, leaving the ring with a happy pony not at all tired and moving well
Onto our cones course following our dressage test
My son's artistry
These pictures are such a gift to me. A gift to see the creativity, the talent of my son the budding artist. Nicholas has been on a huge journey of his own this last year, growing from teenager into adulthood. This hasn't been an easy transition for him and I am amazed at his courage as he meets the challenges he has had to face. There seems to be a bit of a parallel of stories here. I am thankful, more than you could ever know, to view the world through my son's eyes. It's not about the ribbons or accolades, it's about meeting the challenges of the day and coming out on the other side, knowing you did your best - with a smile on your face.
Life is good!
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