Saturday, December 29, 2012

"One thing I've learned is that you can always make the decision to start over..."

I recently received my monthly Cesar's Way magazine. I am a subscriber because I enjoy having many different types of resources for my training business. I believe you can glean good and useful information from many different sources and Cesar is one I enjoy.

I was struck by an article that appeared by Cesar entitled, "My Darkest Day...Cesar reveals the untold story."  In this article Cesar talks about having to apply the same principles he would use if he was rehabilitating a dog...only applying these principles on himself.  It was strikingly honest and candid.  I can't imagine it was an easy thing to do.  I wanted to share a bit of his story because I think it strikes at the heart of every man's story in some form or fashion.  I hope too that it will encourage someone who may read this blog.

Right after losing Daddy, Cesar's beloved Pit bull who taught him so much and was his partner in rehabilitating other dogs, Cesar was called to Ireland and England to do some shows there.  He hadn't had enough time to properly mourn Daddy's loss before he headed back to work.  While in Europe Cesar received news from his wife of 16 years that she wanted a divorce.  And upon his arrival home he learned that because of some bad business deals he had next to nothing left (monetarily) after seven years of his Dog Whisperer tv show.  He shared how his weight dropped dramatically in one month's time and that because of his weak energy he was even unaccepted as a leader to the many dogs he had at his Dog Psychology center for rehabilitation.  He went to his home he shared with his wife to try to work things out and that went badly.  So much so he found himself in a Psychiatric hospital for three days because he was told he took an overdose of pills.  I love how he described being lost but that he had a Pack Leader who had his eye on  him.  "God still had a purpose for me."  He met a gentleman in the hospital who had also experienced great loss and Cesar was encouraged by his faith and that he found strength in reading his Bible.  Cesar began reading the Bible again!

I so appreciate Cesar's honesty and I am thankful for the hearts he will touch with His story!  We all know this man as a very successful and visible celebrity dog trainer.  Someone who was balanced and seemed to have it all.  And yet...he too is human and struggles with the difficulties that come with being a part of this wonderful,complex thing called life.  It comes at you, full force, no matter who you are... We all struggle...we all have challenges we face...heartaches, worries, failures...but I am thankful for the One who has come to help us solve each and every challenge we face!

I thought about how puppies can be such a challenge, young children and teenagers...  And how with age comes wisdom because we learn and grow through each and every phase of life.  If I had a $1 for every time I heard someone say their old dog was perfect and now they had this unruly puppy who just wasn't like their perfect dog, I would be rich. I always smile and say some day this puppy will be perfect too...and how do I know this? Because I have experienced it with my own dogs and seen it over and over again with the dogs I have had the privilege to work with and guide through their puppy years well into adulthood.  I think also of the scripture that states, "train up a child in the way he should go and when he is old he will not depart from it."  It really is all about the Journey...the learning who we are and how we fit in this great big world...both human and canine.

I am thankful God has a purpose for each and every one of us.  I am thankful that He sends helpers along the way and I believe we receive the dogs we are in most need of.  He also sends people and children in our lives who challenge us to love more deeply and to grow in our faith!

I agree with can always make the decision to make a start over...  May this New Year 2013 be the year you see God's plan, for not only your life but also the people you love the very most and yes, even your canine companions, more clearly!

                                Happy New Year from all of us at Pawsitive Journey!

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