Monday, June 27, 2011

Bathing Beauty

What a difficult many things in life don't go as planned.  As I thought about what would bring me some much needed peace, a respite from the cares of this day, I realized I needed some Beauty time. Time spent with Beauty is so often a soothing balm...  So, I decided it was a good day to give Beauty a much needed bath.  As I was enjoying time spent with my sweet pony, I was reminded of how she came to me...once in a dream...

Beauty is the pony of my dreams, literally.  When I had turned 9 years old, I had the most vivid dream of a pony that looked just like Beauty.  I believe this dream was a comforting gift from God - something I needed at that time - a dream to hold onto.  It wasn't until 25 years later that I found my real-life dream pony.  When I found her she was in a sad state of affairs. From a distance I could see her full mane was all knotted and matted, I could see her ribs and that she had this big round belly (which I thought was full of worms, turns out our sweet pony was in foal).  But, in her pitiful state she stood so proud, with her head held high I could see the remnants of bits and pieces of her mane that were free from knots flying in the wind. She had found herself at a "horse traders" lot. I doubt the man knew much about her, probably just picked her up.  I really don't think he treated her badly, as far as, abusing her - he just turned her out in his worn out pasture, which had long ago stopped producing any sort of life sustaining forage. She drank from a dank dirty creek and had to navigate all the rusty equipment left in the shed just to get under covering. She was in the field with several other ponies and it seemed that she was low pony on the totem pole. I stood in that field forever as the man tried to catch this poor sweet little spirit.  I couldn't shake the feeling that she seemed so familiar to me.  I went over and over in my mind all the many different ponies I had ridden as a child and young adult.  But, I had known no ponies who were solid dark bay with a white star on their forehead.  Why did it seem I knew this pony?  As I got close to her I felt such an affinity for her, the beauty I could see under all the filth and rainrot. She looked right at me with those large fluid eyes...right into my very soul.  The man could see I was smitten with her and he also new that there was a beautiful pony ready to blossom under good care.  He was asking a rather large sum for a pony with unknown training and in this condition.  I went to touch her and she bit and kicked at me. But for some reason, I couldn't explain at that moment, I knew I wanted this pony and would pay the asking price.  I actually couldn't believe my own ears as I heard myself say, "I'll take her"!

Beauty came to live with us that very day.  I think the man was afraid I would back out of the deal if I thought better about my decision.  He delivered her within hours. I remember it seemed as if Beauty took a deep breath, a sigh of relief when she arrived.  I put her in her new pasture, full of good grass.  I showed her around her small stable and her clean water source, her salt block. I remember her looking around, she ate some grass checked out the water and salt block and then she laid down and slept for the longest time.  I remember checking on her to see if she was still breathing throughout the day.  Horses and ponies are fright flight animals and don't often lay flat out asleep in a new place, unless they feel very comfortable. Apparently Beauty felt like she was finally home.

I don't know how my sweet Beauty found herself at a horse trader's lot in central Ohio.  We knew from the moment she arrived that she had extreme trust issues with humans.  We worked with her slowly and gently and it didn't take long for her to come around.  I think at some point in her young life she knew the kind care of someone good...she knew how to respond to our kindness. We also occasionally saw that unmistakable fear in her eyes at different points here and there in her training and wondered if she was remembering an unpleasant time or experience. There are scars on Beauty's back ankles very thick scar tissue...not sure if someone had tied her leg up (an old "training" practice to gain a horses respect) or if perhaps she had been in an accident.  I often wondered why anyone would sell this pony or treat her unfairly as she has been the easiest pony to train. Once we earned her trust she never questioned anything and is always so very willing to please.

One day a few weeks after Beauty joined our family, I was hanging out in the barn with her and it hit me like a ton of bricks. All of a sudden I realized why this pony was so familiar to me.  I remembered the dream I had about this pony so very long ago.  I was overwhelmed by the thought that Beauty was the real life pony of the dream I had 25 years earlier - standing right before my very eyes. She has been a jewel of a pony, teaching my son and many other children to ride and drive.  I have often said Beauty is worth her weight in gold, certainly worth the price I paid to win her release 14 years ago.  She is the heart and soul of our farm.

Beauty is living proof that sometimes dreams really do come true!

Sunday, June 26, 2011

I prefer real books, thank you.

I just finished this excellent book, Team of Rivals, by Doris Kearns Goodwin.  Having grown up in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, I am a huge Civil War buff.  What an amazing piece of writing - research.  I often felt like I was sitting in the meetings with Lincoln's cabinet.  The conversations held during that most fraught filled period of history were actual words, in quotes, said by those who lived and breathed and changed the course of our history. Truly amazing...certainly a well researched work!  I can't imagine the hours, days, weeks and months that went into writing this well documented book - the commitment to such a work.  I learned a great deal more about the Union Generals that I had not known...who knew McClellan was so arrogant.  He had lofty ideas about war but didn't seem to actually want to fight or pursue the enemy.  Lincoln came to life in a new and vibrant way.  Ms. Goodwin focuses more on him as a genial man; quick witted, full of laughter, always with a wonderful story on his lips.  As opposed to the brooding man, oppressed with morbid thoughts of his own death I've so often read about.  I very much enjoyed the journey, growth of the very close knit friendship between Lincoln and Seward - intense rivals and then close friends.  And I was saddened at how the lives of most of Lincoln's cabinet were so negatively affected by his assassination.  It was a refreshing look at this most beloved president.  I highly recommend it.

I'm kind of ashamed to admit that I started this book in the fall of 2009.  My husband had this great idea that he would buy it for me on an "e-reader".  I fumbled and fumed with that e-reader until this spring, one cold March day, when a paperback copy of this book appeared on my doorstep.  A gift from my husband.  I was only about 1/4 of the way through the e-reader when the book arrived in March of 2011.  I had laid the e-reader down more than I picked it up to read the book.  I found myself finishing several other really great "books" I had bought that fall sitting by my bedside.  When I finally held the Team of Rivals book in my hands it didn't take me much at all to finish it off. 

It's been said and bantered about that e-readers are the wave of the future.  Some talk that perhaps libraries and bookstores will be a thing of the past?  I sure hope not...I love books.  I love libraries and bookstores, the smell of books, the feel of books.  I like being surrounded by books; every bookcase in my house are gloriously overflowing with books...

So hear's to a good book!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Little Sentry little sentry.  Buffy was our family's miniature poodle.  She might look small but to a little girl she was mighty in my eyes.  What a sweet precious soul this little dog was to me...she was my angel in furry clothes.

When I was just a tiny baby in my mother's arms, my father left our family.  It's a long drawn out story of betrayal and happened and it was just the way things were...something I understood from a very young age.  My mother moved home to be surrounded by her family.  My uncle's became our surrogate fathers and they were all very good men.  My one uncle who came to our house quite often was especially dear to us.  One of my first fuzzy memories of this precious man was him trying to get me to eat my creamed corn (still to this day I don't like creamed corn), but he got the job done that day.  Although, I was quite young, I do remember his smile - so genuine, so handsome - it could light a room.  When I was 5 years old, my uncle, a very young man of 38 years, passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack.  It rocked my family. 

 My Grandmother lived in our home to help my mother with my sister and I.  I remember her love, hugs and the wonderful food she prepared for me. She was always there as my Mom worked a day job and an evening job just to keep food on the table.  In the fall of my 9th year, my young Grandmother of 63 years died, very unexpectedly of an apparent heart attack.  It rocked my world.  

After my Grandmother passed away a great deal changed. My sister, who was 10 years older then I, went off to college. The question was who would be home for me after school. My sweet neighbor lady would be available to me, if I needed her. But for the most part, I was to come home to an empty house.  This was before latch key and after school programs like we have today. Thankfully, I believe God had a plan and it came in the form of a little poodle.  A dear friend of my mother's bought her a poodle puppy to cheer her after my grandmother's death. She was such a welcome relief; something to put our thoughts and mind on.  Puppies take so much care and attention, it was perfect for all of us.  Buffy became very special from the moment she arrived!

  I was nervous that first day as I walked home from school...I kept playing over and over in my mind that I would be home alone until my mother got off of work.  I anxiously thought about how it would be dark before she would arrive.  All these worried thoughts were playing around and around my mind.  As I approached the door to my house that afternoon, these thoughts were interrupted by a loud, happy bark as I opened the front door.  My sweet poodle, Buffy, greeted me like I was the best thing since sliced bread!  I quickly realized I wouldn't be home alone after all. 

I would leave Buffy outside and feed her, I had a job to do, something to keep my mind busy.  I would then call my mom to let her know I was home safely and would sit down to do my homework. Buffy seemed to know she was on duty, as she was so attentive to me.  Buffy never left my side.  I remember sharing my day with her and she would listen attentively, she kept all my secrets and licked all my tears.  I remember this tiny poodle giving a little girl all the courage she needed to enter a big old, creaky house after school and wait for her mother.  

I believe that God sends us what we need when we need it.  I am thankful for this sweet gift sent directly to me from my Father God. And I am most thankful that at a very young age, I had a knowledge and understanding of the good gifts my Father in Heaven gave to me. Sometimes out of great loss, comes great understanding. I, also, believe that God uses animals to help him here on earth when the humans can't or perhaps, won't. I read a lovely true story of a golden retriever several summers ago that saved an older gentlemen who was drowning in the ocean. The most fascinating thing to me about this true story is this golden didn't know this man...he was not apart of her family or her 'pack'.  In fact, this golden had been raised and loved by a young single woman.  So, why did the golden care about the man drowning in the ocean?  I'm interested that there were many humans all over the beach that day...but none of them noticed the drama unfolding in the ocean.  I believe God looked for one of his children to help his son, the man drowning.  But...the they so often are...were busy...weren't listening to that still small voice that can guide and direct us. God found this lovely golden retriever dog willing to help his son and she did. It was miraculous...absolutely!  You can argue with me, but I believe the animals who communed with Adam and Eve and God is the Garden, so long ago, still do to this day.  They did not fall...they did not sin, they still have communication with their creator.  I believe this as I've have read about it, I have seen it and have experienced it over and over again throughout my life.  I believe Buffy was God's hand extended to me...she was exactly what I needed.

Job 12:7 states..."and let the animals teach you..." It goes on to say that the "animals know what the hand of the Lord has done"...that "every creature, yes every living soul are in God's hand."  Later in the chapter it talks about what the animals already know...of the power and might of God..."if God holds back the water we have drought, if he sends the rain we have flood."  The animals, according to the Bible understand "how strong and victorious" our God is!  They know!  I will forever be grateful and thankful that God sent me Buffy, my sentry, my furry angel, who knew how to give a little girl comfort and courage...

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Run your Race

I was 9 years old when I watched Big Red win the Triple Crown.  No one who witnessed this last leg of the Triple Crown races on that lovely summer day in June 1973 will ever forget it.  The feeling of seeing that Big Red horse coming around the final turn to home all alone - well, it's hard to express in words the overwhelming sense of joy, the feeling that this was a once in a lifetime moment and you were watching it all unfold right before your very eyes.  It was as if the world came to a stop, time stood still, everything seemed to run in slow could this be, its' never been done before, how could this horse, any horse, sustain this speed at this distance?  But he did it, the Big Red horse was running HIS race!  He finished the race an astonishing 31 lengths ahead of the other horses in the field - no horse has ever duplicated such a feat...Secretariat is THE best race horse that ever lived! I will forever be grateful that I lived to see Secretariat run his race!  I didn't understand at 9 years old the remarkable odds that brought Secretariat to this moment.  Although, I saw the pictures of the nice lady, Penny Tweety Chenery, in magazines, I only knew her as the lady who owned Secretariat.  My young heart never understood the incredible mountain of odds that she faced to run HER race! 

How many of us have been on that sweet edge of possibilities...not knowing what lay ahead, which path to choose?  Should we risk everything and grab a hold of that moment, that wonderful defining, once in a lifetime moment that changes everything? Or should we play it safe and tell ourselves that we can't risk it, the odds are too great, it's impossible, I'm not strong enough...I just can't?  As I watched the movie, Secretariat, tonight for the 5th time, I was once again overwhelmed by the thought that Penny Chenery didn't know what lay ahead.  She didn't have the benefit of knowing - the end of the story - what the outcome of this race would be. But she believed in her Dad, his knowledge and wisdom and her horse.  I don't know that I would have been so strong, so courageous.  I might have taken the $8 million Mr. Phipps offered Penny to buy her horse before he even raced the Triple Crown.  How could you really turn it down?  I mean after all, everyone thought she was in over her head - her brother, her husband - they wanted her to sell the farm, the horses.  The farm was in debt and she had syndicated her horse, Secretariat,  for a whopping unheard of - $6 million.  Can you imagine the pressure she was under, the stress...the money she owed?  I mean we are not talking about a few $100! Penny had little to no support, both from her family and society as a whole (viewed as just a housewife) to choose the path she did. But she believed in her dream, her abilities and in her horse...  I am so happy she believed and ran HER race!  Because she believed she inspired a nation and a little girl in Pennsylvania who was happily riding ponies, who grasped a hold of a dream - that one day she would ride a thoroughbred.  That little girl did, in fact, ride not one but many thoroughbred horses!  The picture at the top of this page is of me and my thoroughbred, Rite Nite, flying!

I don't know that all of us will have such a defining moment in our lives, at least, certainly not on such a public stage as Penny and Secretariat.  But no matter...I am encouraged today to run MY race, to see my hopes and dreams to their fruition.  I'm once again inspired to not allow doubt and fear to get in my way...but to be courageous enough to reach for that which I know could be... I want to run MY race!

Saturday, June 11, 2011

How does your garden grow?

Mary, Mary, quite contrary,
How does your garden grow?
With silver bells, and cockle shells,
And pretty "bunnies all in a row"!

Each year, without fail, I grow a lovely garden of bunnies!  This year I have a nest of 6.  I suppose I could do something to deter this sweet Mama bunny from nesting in my garden...but it's just not in me.  I welcome my bunnies.  So funny, you think I would be prepared - but once again I squealed as I felt this soft little head and saw these beautiful eyes peeking up through the strawberry patch.  Alli, collie, came right over to check it out.  She was quite pleased with the bunnies and quickly took up a guardian position right by this patch of strawberries - watching over "her babies".  Collies are such nurturers!
Apparently, from the looks of my first picking of our new strawberry patch, I have plenty to share with my bunny residents.  My hubby wanted to place them somewhere else, but I asked for him to let them stay.  Once they are old enough they move along...they are almost at that stage (afterall, I should know this isn't my first garden of bunnies :D).  It touches my heart and fills me with joy to provide a lovely space for LIFE to grow!  I wish you well little bunnies...

Friday, June 10, 2011

Keys for Success...

...Enthusiasm!!!  We had a wonderful Toastmasters meeting (Public speaking club) yesterday. Our featured speaker shared the Keys for Success.  He encouraged the group to think about; what is our motivation for success?  His favorite of the Keys was "Enthusiasm"!  I could not agree more.  He went on to list persistence, determination and the fact that we often become that which we think about most often - self-fulfillment.  I left the meeting feeling encouraged!

When I think of the word enthusiasm the picture that pops into my mind is my son's dog Ezra (pictured above).  Ezra does everything with enthusiasm...he loves his family and spending time with them and shows it.   But Ezra's true joy in life, the thing that makes him come alive, is agility.  The smile on his face is evident in the picture above.  He can barely contain his enthusiasm when he sees a course of fences.  Ezra inspires me. Ezra has taught me what being enthusiastic is all about.  Ezra is very successful in agility...he loves it, he's determined, he's persistent and he has FUN!

As I continued to reflect on this very thoughtful and well done speech; I saw the parallel to dog training.  So often when we work with our dogs we already have a thought in our mind.  Our dog..."doesn't listen, he jumps, she barks, she has too much energy, I can't____"(fill in the blank).  These unproductive thoughts become self-fulfilling. I am encouraged to continue sharing my pawsitive outlook to training and working with dogs.  When we are having fun...when we are enthusiastic about what we do - we inspire others around us. I believe with pawsitive thinking, determination, persistence and consistency -  we can inspire our dogs to become the well-behaved dog we always dreamed of.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Alli visits...

Alli was in the house yesterday at Mt. Vernon Developmental Center.  She shared her calm, gentle kind of magic with the sweet people at MVDC!  I enjoy watching people touching Alli's long pointy nose...I am amazed at how still she stands as that special kind of communication, words unnecessary, takes place between dog and human.  I'm amazed to see those who have such a hard time unfolding their fingers working so hard just to touch her with the back of their hand or arm - such a struggle - but then the joy of the moment and the lovely smile that comes across their face as they feel Alli's cold nose.  My heart fills when those who can not reach out to touch Alli smile as I help to lift her front paws up on their wheel chair table - just seeing her, simply laying eyes on this beautiful collie angel, makes their day.

We take so much for granted. I came home with my heart so completely filled. What a true joy it is for Alli and I to share a bit of light and love with the kind people at MVDC.   I told Alli what a privilege it was to be by her side, to follow her be in the presence of a truly kind and gentle spirit.

A very good day!