Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A New Year, A New Puppy - meet Mia!

We have a new Jack Russell puppy and her name is Mia.  We are so happy to welcome this precious little one to our family.  We have been looking for quite some time for just the right puppy.  When we saw a picture of this sweet girl - she looked like she was meant for us - as is so often the case when we lay eyes on the one meant to join our family.  In fact, when we inquired about her she had already been spoken for.  I couldn't help myself but to say she looks like our puppy, but I understand, if something changes let me know.  Sure enough, as fate would have it, this little girl became available.  I just knew she was meant to join our family.

The first week with Mia has been fantastic.  We have been around this block a few times and have puppy rearing to a science.  Be consistent and have a sense of humor!  But, I have to say this little one has been super easy.  Maybe it's been easy because she has a great temperament, perhaps it's because we love puppy rearing, maybe it's because she truly was meant to be ours and sent to us from our little Libby.  I am not completely sure but I think it has something to do with all of the above, she has certainly wiggled into our family and life.

She fits with us like a hand to a glove! We couldn't be more pleased with her and are enjoying her tremendously!

The best part is both our dogs love her too.  I have noticed this before with Alli collie and JR/mix Ezra - they can be aloof at first.  Very normal, trying to get to know the new dog in the house.  We are always sure to carefully introduce our new puppy and we supervise a great deal of course.  We also have had may different dogs come through our home.  Maybe just for the night, a couple nights, couple weeks, couple months...  New comers are just a part of our normal routine here.  They come, they go...some stay.

Today was a great day, a break through day, as both Alli collie and Ezra finally played with utter abandon with new puppy Mia.  They let their guard down and really enjoyed her.  Alli collie did her play bow over and over again and everytime I turned around she was inviting Mia to play.  They romped a bit in our fenced yard as well.  Alli has been playing tug throughout the weekend with puppy Mia and then today sweet old Ezra played tug with her too.

Perhaps my son in law, Brian, said it best - maybe they finally know that Mia is staying.  She is a part of our family and is not going to leave us. I believe he is correct!

I just read a blog post entitled "Defining Moments" from one of my favorite trainers and mentors, Susan Garrett.  (To read more visit http://susangarrettdogagility.com/2016/01/defining-moments/) It was so timely for me.  Susan shared from her life of defining moments...
"Defining moments are the decisions we have made, the actions we have taken or were afraid to take.  Defining moments are mysterious things. We often don’t know “why” we are making a certain choice until we look back years later and then it all makes sense."  Of course she was talking about the dogs she has had in her life, what they meant to her, taught her and often times where they took her in her life as a trainer.  

I too have had the most wonderful dogs in my life.  Not sure what it was when I saw them or their picture, why I chose them OR if they chose me in some way.  But each one of them have taught me many lessons, have taken me to winner circles and good places I never dreamed of going - therapy work - schools, libraries, rest homes, hospitals and they list goes on, competition obedience, agility and more...

I have had the most precious moments, sitting in the quiet solitude - allowing myself to be still and enjoy my little puppy who will only be little for such a short period of time.  Of starting her training in tiny bits.  Of allowing myself to dream dreams of what adventures we might go on together.  I have reveled in the thought of what will this little tiny spirit teach me...  I feel privileged to be on this journey with Mia...writing her story, our story.  Developing her talents and her gifts and in the mean while opening a part of myself that this little puppy was sent to open.

Here's to 2016 and our new puppy Mia and in the words of Susan Garrett
"Heres to 2016 a year where all of our choices are conscious acts taking us a step closer to all of our goals."

Happy Trails everyone!!

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