Monday, January 28, 2013

Billy and I - day 5

Thankfully, our ice storm turned to rain today.  Unfortunately, with the slippery surface remaining under the rain, Bill and I decided to take another day off. I looked for a picture to share from outdoors, but then quickly decided there really isn't a good picture to share when it's raining at the barn.  As I walked past my beautifully cleaned leather harness lines and bridle hanging on my laundry room door...I instantly thought it would be a good picture to share.  I just cleaned our driving lines and the entire harness.  I kept the lines and bridle hanging, not sure why, perhaps just for inspiration and encouragement.  Each time I view them, I dream of the nice driving weather to come...

I was thinking how disappointing rain can be.  I can't tell you the times I prepared for an event and then had to show in the pouring rain. My outfit, my tack, my beautifully groomed and braided horse coming in from our jumping round muddy and soaking wet!  I can distinctly remember riding a green gelding at a hunter show.  It seemed that our turn for jumping coincided with a tremendous downpour.  I also remember my sweet horse almost sliding into a fence and at the last minute deciding he could jump it - thankfully the jumps were low.  We made it around, it wasn't pretty but this sweet boy, who really was not yet keen on jumping these obstacles, kept me safe.  In hindsight, we probably should have retired...ah, youth and the feeling of being invisible!

But then there is something so sweet about coming in from the rain, that comforting feeling of peeling off those wet clothes, soaking in a warm bath, followed by a lovely cup of hot chocolate.  Of thinking about the day and how you made it.  You met the challenges of the day.  There is something so good about that feeling of knowing you did it!  Another way in which rain helps us to grow...if you think about it.

Tomorrow the temperature is suppose to rise close to 60 degrees.  I look forward to Billy and I getting back to work.  Until then...have a great day all!

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