Friday, January 6, 2012

Meet the Pack...Ezra

He's my heart! I can't say I have a favorite dog, but I can say Ezra is my heart. When Ezra arrived it was during a very unexpected event...the loss of one of our dogs.  He seemed to take on the role of comforter that day and never stopped.  

EZ (pronounced Eazy) is the best ride along dog.  He travels everywhere with me.  When my Mom was in a terrible car accident a couple years ago and I needed to leave immediately for the 7 hour trip to be with her...I didn't hesitate and took Ezra.  I knew I wouldn't be alone, would be well guarded (he may be small but he's mighty) and that he would be no trouble at all. He sat on my lap as I drove in the many tunnels that take me through the Allegheny Mountains.  Those tunnels have always made me a bit nervous...but EZ was right by my side. He stayed where I put him, walked with me when I returned home from the hospital each day, snuggled with me at night and gave me the comfort I needed in the midst of such uncertainty. Thankful to report my Mom is doing really well and all healed.  But it could have gone either way and I would have been very alone had I not had Ezra with me. 

When my husband and I went on a recent driving trip to Kentucky with ponies in tow...EZ came along.  He just fits in; no muss - no fuss.  He is a pure pleasure, he eats when you feed him, he potties when you offer him the chance. He snuggles in and sleeps whether in a tent, a truck, a stall or in a hotel room.  He stays right with me - no need for a leash. And it doesn't matter how many other dogs are around or barking at him, no matter how many ponies drive or ride by; he stays right with me. 

He's the most aware dog too.  He sees things and notices things that most dogs don't.  I sat on the couch the other day to watch the beautiful first snowflakes fall of the season.  They were huge.  And Ezra joined me...sat on the back of the couch; front row seat to enjoy this spectacular and beautiful event. He seemed to savor the moment with me enjoying watching the snowflakes. I have seen him follow unseen things with his eyes.  I've often said he sees Angels...who knows but I get that very strong feeling every time he follows movement - in the air - watching something I can not see. When my son stop competing in agility with Ezra; I picked up the challenge and handled him myself. What a hoot...what fun!  He was already well trained by my son and I just went along for the ride.  EZ quickly picked up my cues and I pretty much followed his lead. It was more fun than should be legal...not at all about the ribbons for me; but we added a couple more titles and a bunch more ribbons to his already large stash. As I sit here typing; I look over at my EZ boy.  He's sleeping on the back of the couch in the sun on this cold day.  All of a sudden his eyes meet my did he tuned in to me.  EZ is my heart!

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